Personalize your cover with a print

Print your indoor or outdoor cover? Which can. It is possible to apply a full color print on your cover. We put this on the front of the cover. The indoor car covers are printed with a full color logo or design, we place these approximately 80 cm from the bottom of the cover, thus positioned on the hood. We cannot print the side or back of the cover. A round or square print has a size of 23x23cm. A portrait or landscape print (rectangle) can be printed up to the longest side 40 cm with a maximum height of 20 cm.

The outdoor car cover is provided with a license plate printing, this makes it less attractive to alienate a cover, in addition, it does not immediately say what beautiful things are hidden under the cover. The license plate printing is placed about 50 cm from the bottom of the cover.

Do you print a showroom reveal cover? Then we place the design at about 150cm from the bottom of the cover, by draping the cover the design is then positioned on the hood/windscreen.

Be aware that a printed cover cannot be returned, please read or return policy.


Printing options

We will send you a proposal by e-mail, you can respond to this, if there is no answer, we will not print the cover. A color proposal is shown to you on the screen, in reality the color may differ slightly. This is because the colors on the screen are different from colors from our foil printers, the printed color is the best possible approximation of the colors that have been transferred. This way we can guarantee a delivery time of 4 to 5 working days.

By default, we print images without individual letters. You decide what you want to print, as long as this is a Vector file we can get started. If you submit a file that still needs to be edited, we will have to charge extra costs for the editing. Do you also want to add letters to the printing? Then there is a background area behind the emblem and the letters, this area has rounded corners. We use a white background as standard. If you want your own printing, please contact us immediately after ordering.

Does your design have very thick lined text? We can print them as single letters. If not we need to add a full color background.



Printing text



Deepetched emblem



Why so many differences?

Carcovers will be at tension when mounted on the car, therefor a small print like text can have a different tension as it is on. Then the risk is too big that text may distort.

So for the best result we have selected a couple of options for printing, lik full color designs.


Can i print my own logo?

Yes you can! We need a Vector file of your logo, after aproval of our graphic department, the logo will be printed.


Custom logo print