Utomhus bilskydd

Utomhusskydd lätt att montera, 100% vattentät

Våra bilskydd är det bästa alternativet om du måste stoppa din cabriolet, oldtimer, sportvagn (eller bara din dyrbara bil) på utsidan. Elementen kan skada din bil, vårt biltäcke är som en sköld för din bil., Proecte mot regn, snö, is, fågelspillning, trädsläpp, UV-strålar och vind. Skydden är gjorda av ett långvarigt 3-lager material som erbjuder ett mycket starkt skydd utan att bli för tungt att installera. Skräddarsydd för alla bilmärken och bilmodeller av alla byggnader. Vi utvecklar omslagen i Nederländerna, ser till att vi använder det bästa tyget som möjligt och tar hand om den bästa passformen. Vårt sortiment inkluderar Star Cover -skal och anpassade omslag. Anpassade omslag är specialtillverkade efter dina önskemål om färg och innehåller spegelfickor. Star Cover-omslag levereras direkt från lager.

Premiumskydd av din värdefulla bil

Utomhus biltäcke Peugeot 201
2 192,29 kr

Protect your car with a car cover outdoor

When you park your car outside, you run the risk of scratches, dents and other damage to the paint. With a car cover for outside you can provide extra protection for your beloved vehicle. Not only hail, snow and UV rays can damage the paint of the car, tree resin and bird droppings can also seriously affect the paint. With an outdoor car cover you have to wash and polish your car less often and you can park your car outside with peace of mind, wherever you want. There is no better protection!

A suitable outdoor cover for every brand and model

With us you will find a suitable outdoor car cover for every make and model of car. For example, you can buy protective covers from us for the following car brands: Alfa Romeo, Audi, BMW, Chrysler, Dodge, Ferrari, Fiat, Hyundai, Jeep, Lamborghini, Mazda, Mercedes-Benz, Nissan, Opel, Peugeot, Renault, Tesla and Volkswagen. The easiest way to find an outdoor car cover for your car is to use the search filter on the left of this page. Select your car brand and you will automatically end up on the right page. On this new page you can then refine based on model and year of manufacture. Give it a try.

Why choose our outdoor car cover?

We have a custom outdoor car cover for every car, with the best protection and a perfect fit for an excellent price. Our outdoor protective covers are specially selected for the make and model of car. Whether you have a sports car, classic, sedan, hatchback or convertible(let), your protective outdoor car cover is made to measure. This way we can guarantee an excellent fit. The covers are made of top quality materials and are waterproof and dirt-repellent. Of course, the cover comes in an extra sturdy storage bag. In addition, you get a whopping 5-year warranty on our outdoor car cover.

Order your outdoor car cover easily online

You can order a perfectly fitting protective car cover for outside quickly and easily online in our webshop. In addition to a 5-year warranty, you also get 365 days to change your mind. It is important to us that you are satisfied with your purchase. If you have any questions about a car cover for outside, do not hesitate to contact us. Our professional customer service is happy to answer all your questions. You can also always contact us for advice. We are happy to talk to you by mail, chat or telephone. View the contact options on our website.

How can we help you?